Reunión con Suso (responsable del Ensanche)/ Meeting with Suso (Ensanche's responsible)
Decidimos quedar con Suso, el responsable del Ensanche, el lugar donde tendría lugar el concierto, para cerrar asuntos como el precio que cobraríamos por las bebidas incluidas en la entrada, o el material musical que disponíamos en el mismo local. Muchos de nosotros nunca antes habíamos entrado en el Ensanche, y salimos de allí encantados por las facilidades con las que contábamos y las grandes dimensiones del local.
We decided to meet Suso, te person in charge of El Ensanche, the place where the concert would take place, in order to agree issues like the price that we would charge for the drinks, or the musical material needed by the bands that would act in our concert, which we already have at the pub. Some of us had never been in El Ensanche before until that day, and after been there we were delighted because of the facilities we counted on and the huge space that made up the pub.